Galactus Keys to Consume..

Marvel Already Has Plans for Fox Characters Galactus and Silver Surfer

Formerly a mortal man, Galactus is a cosmic entity who originally consumed planets to sustain his life force, and serves a functional role in the upkeep of the primary Marvel continuity. First appearing in Fantastic Four #48 and #49, the anticipation of this big baddy joining the MCU has driven prices out of this world. Now that Thanos has been dealt with the question on everyones mind is who will become the next threat to the universe. Which leads us to looking at some recent purchases, disney spent $71.3 billion in a acquisition of Fox’s entertainment assets. What are some of those properties you might ask. One of marvels greatest teams Fantastic Four along with Silver Surfer and lets not forget GALACTUS!

Now these issue have some heavy buy ins at high grades, Fantastic Four #48 in CGC Grade 9.4 has a last sale of $14,000 and FF #49 in 9.4 $5,850 in my opinion these prices will only continue to rise and will most certainly pay off in the long run. If you asking yourself what are some affordable Galactus appearances your in luck.

THE MIGHTY THOR #160-162 – Thor VS Galactus this could be a great way to introduce the Planet eater into the MCU we know that Thor has been established as a intergalactic hero and will be in the next Guardians of the Galaxy film. This could be the story arc they pull from.

THE MIGHTY THOR #168-169 – This story arc features the Origin of Galactus and as most collectors begin to start collecting a character the only thing close to the first appearance is the Origin story of that character.

FANTASTIC FOUR #74 and #75 – Not really considered key issues but none the less early cover appearances of Galactus and most definitely good additions to the collection.

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